Larry’s Faith History

Larry was baptized Episcopalian at St. John’s Church in Bethesda, Maryland and confirmed in the Episcopal Church at the Washington National Episcopal Cathedral in Washington, D.C. At the age of 10, Larry was a member of an Episcopal Church Boys choir. From the ages of 14 to 19, Larry was an acolyte at St. James By-the Sea Episcopal Church in La Jolla, California. At the age of 18, Larry was the President of the EYC (Episcopal Young Churchmen) Youth Group.

At age 18 and 19, Larry was a Counselor at Camp Stevens Church Camp, Julian, California.  As an adult, for many years, Larry served on the Vestry (Board of Directors) at St. James By-the Sea Church in La Jolla, California. Larry served as Chairman for 4 years, of the Annual Stewardship canvas (church fund drive) at St. James By-the-Sea Episcopal Church.

Larry has maintained a financial planning, investments and insurance practice in San Diego for 42 years.

Larry accepted Christ as his savior at a young age and has tried to live by his teaching and guidance all his life.